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Camp Rules and Regulations

  1. Operation rules and regulations refer to all premises of the company CAMP PLÁŽ – Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. which are fenced all around and there are two entrance gates. The whole area and sites reserved for tents, caravans or cars are shown on the map of the camp which can be seen either in the reception or at several visible places inside the camp.
  2. Visitors can be accommodated in the camp only after a proper registration at the reception desk near the entrance to the camp, after submitting their ID and paying the accommodation charges. Then you will be given a license number that must be placed on a visible spot of your tent because of constant control.
  3. When leaving the camp and coming back the visitor will have to show the permanent card with the accommodation certificate.
  4. Staying in the camp is allowed only to citizens who are not germ-carriers, who do not suffer from any infectious or parasitic disease or who were not ordered to be under special health supervision or in quarantine.
  5. The last day of the stay the visitor must leave the camp by 09°° am the latest.
  6. All visitors accommodated are obliged to respect and keep the cleanliness and tidiness in the camp. Tents can be built and cars parked only on sites reserved for these purposes. They are also obliged to follow all regulations of the Municipal Offices in Štítary and Vranov nad Dyjí and public notices concerning the hygienic protection of the water source area.
  7. All litter must be thrown into litter bins or special containers that are placed all over the camp. Waste must be sorted and put into appropriate bins.
  8. From 10.00 pm to 6.00 am it is necessary to keep quiet and not to disturb anybody. During special cultural events going on in the camp the night time is changed – from 12 to 6 am.
  9. Bonfires can be made only on places determined to this purpose and indicated properly by the camp owner.
  10. Washing cars or their maintenance is strictly forbidden all over the camp premises. It is absolutely not possible to park your car in the area of hygienic protection of the water source not even for a very short time.
  11. Dogs or other animals are not allowed in the camp or on the beach.
  12. Every visitor must read these regulations when entering the camp and everybody is obliged to abide the camp rules.
  13. The camp rules and regulations are mandatory to all who want to stay or walk through the camp or Vranov beach. Every person that will break any of these camp rules will be deported without any right to any compensation.

In Štítary 1st January, 2009, Oldřich Veselý, František Fiala - Company agents


  • cinema FREE
  • water trampoline
  • animation programs FREE
  • water slide FREE
  • dětská nafukovací skluzavka
  • animační programy
  • loutkové divadlo

Informace o kempu na portálu CzechTrade:

CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Česky CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - English CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Deutsch
CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - P?????? CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Français CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Espanol
CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Italiano CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Slovensky CAMP PLÁŽ - Vranovská přehrada s.r.o. - Polski

This website was created
with the help of

SROP Jihomoravský kraj Obec Štítary
Cyklisté vítáni www.camp.cz- Kempy a chatove osady CR asociation of camping sites Czech Republik Penziony Gaudeo CzechTourism Stav vody

Opening hours of the camp - April to OctoberReception yearlong 8.00 am - 4.00 pm • July and August - reception NON-STOP • INFOLINE: +420 724 101 725 • recepce@vranovska-plaz.cz

2007 © Design and foto Kofroň production & consulting